Saturday, October 29, 2011


There is a song in the greenwood,
There's an age old tale to be sung,
Healing is there in the greenwood,
Spiraling endlessly under the sun.

Seat yourself under the oak trees,
Watch the leaf dust dance in the breeze,
Breathe in the flowers and catkins,
The slow buzzing motion of bees.

I give you a song from the greenwood,
A song to enchant and delight,
Refrains of sowing and reaping,
The lyric of life at its height.

Join in the dance of the greenwood,
Cast off your woes if you dare,
Life will be sweet in the greenwood,
Far from all hurry and care.

Hold high the cup of forgetting,
Drink deep of the greenwood wine,
Partake of the wildwood nectar,
So honey sweet from the vine.

Hear ye the pipes of the greenwood,
Far off music and dancing feet?
Ye shall be healed in the greenwood,
One with the earth's heartbeat.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


A new addition to my small collection of tarot and oracle decks.
The Shadowscapes tarot deck is lovely with detailed mystical artwork by Stephanie Pu Mun Law. 

Review By Jack Ricklef 
The Shadowscapes Tarot, new from Llewellyn, has its own special character, its own special niche in which it shines. Some people may find its lilting grace, intricate beauty, and lush fantasy scenes to be too "fluffy," and so they may discount this deck. But others -- fans of the fantasy genre especially -- will swoon over these cards. I know I did.
Each card in this deck is an exquisite watercolor painting -- a work of art, really -- and I find the artwork, with its opulent detailing and fluid movement, captivating to the point of being mesmerizing. I love this about it, but the problem is that when I began to use the deck for readings, it was easy to get lost in its beauty, which made it hard to hear my intuitive understanding of the messages of the cards. However, as I become increasingly familiar with the cards I am becoming less likely to be awed by their artistic merit, so this "problem" is dissolving with time and experience. Also, it seems this deck would quickly work well for someone with a reading style in which they ask the seeker questions like, "What do you see happening in this card?" and then use those responses as part of the reading experience. But even if the art distracts you from being able to do traditional divinatory readings, there are other uses for which this deck is well suited. For example, these very evocative images work especially well for doing guided visualizations.
The Shadowscapes deck basically follows the Rider Waite Smith tradition, but it is far from simply being a RWS "clone." Law has deconstructed the traditional card images, pondered the integral tapestry of their meanings, and then constructed her own renderings based on her new vision for them. For many of the cards, she has used a very unique perspective, and all of them distinctly bear her imprint in one way or another. Consequently, less experienced readers (especially those who find the ease of transitioning to a new deck dependent upon its close approximation to the RWS template) will find that this deck is not an easy one to pick up and use. And certainly, it does require more than an average amount of contemplation and time spent gaining familiarity with the cards in order to use it with facility. However, in my experience with this deck, this is time well spent which will take you to new, uncharted terrain for many of the individual cards. In other words, the journey is well worth taking.
Indeed, every time I look at one of these cards I see a little more detail that enriches my experience and understanding of it. One source of such detail is the almost ubiquitous appearance of nymphs and dryads and fairies who are subtly participating in each scene. However, you generally have to look closely to notice them, and then you have to think about what they are doing in order to get their messages. For instance, a fairy on the Wheel of Fortune card sits examining a fairy skull (skulls being a traditional illustration of our realization of our mortality) but he (she?) is easy to overlook since the Wheel behind him is so sumptuous and intricate.
A brief overview
The Wands cards are mostly populated with foxes and felines, and they are painted in warm amber hues.
In the suit of Cups it is no surprise that we see lots of fish and mermaids (and mermen) and the dominant colors are cool shades of blue.
Birds, especially swans and crows, populate the Swords cards, and the pervasive color of the suit is violet. (Note: This deck's Swords cards tend to seem less dire than usual.)
Lizards and dragons are ubiquitous in the green-hued cards of the suit of Pentacles.
Happily, I found the Court Cards to be very dynamic overall, and each one is distinctive. I point this out because a lack of such qualities is not uncommon among Tarot decks, which disappoints me.
The Major Arcana cards are embellished with birds and butterflies, which are symbols of Spirit. However, I could discern no unifying color for the Majors as I did for the suits of the Minor Arcana. The individual cards of the Major Arcana are colored according to their specific needs, although Law does seem to have a penchant for cool blues and violets. The only significant change in the Major Arcana is that the Death card is illustrated with a phoenix, making the rebirth aspect of this card overly explicit. There are a couple other, less significant changes too. The High Priestess rises up in a very active pose, in contrast with her usual passive posture. Also, the dual-pillar motif repeated in several of the RWS Majors is gone. This is not a problem for me, but it is an observation which may be of interest to some people. Finally Strength is VIII and Justice XI, for those who are concerned about that.
A few of my favorite card images
* The leaping foxes in the Five of Wands add a sporty, playful feeling to the chaos which is typical of this card.
* In the Six of Cups, a young girl hosts a tea party for her stuffed animals. This is a somewhat different image from that of the RWS deck, but the feel of it resonates in a similar way.
* The Four of Pentacles features a dragon hoarding his treasure, which is reminiscent of Smaug (the dragon from The Hobbit) and his stockpile of treasure. It thus exemplifies this card's traditional meaning of a wealthy miser.
* For me, the Tower card has a lovely Lothlórien feel to it, which makes the devastating lightning strike all the more distressing.
Friend Test:
I love to "friend test" decks that I am reviewing. For this one, I had my friends Amy and Marieke come over, and we all did readings with it. Marike already had this deck and had been using it for a while for a "card of the day" for her husband, while Amy had never seen the deck before, and I had only begun to explore it. So between the three of us, we had a nice variety of experience with which to approach this deck. Although Amy considered this deck to be beautiful (she called it "romantic"), she was at first rather dubious about its "readability." However, after just one reading with it, she was beginning to warm up to it. Marieke came into the friend test saying that the deck was slowly growing on her as she used it for a daily one-card reading. This was her first time doing a multi-card reading with it, though, and afterward she said that she was pleasantly surprised with how well it worked. During our readings, it was apparent that Amy and I tended to "translate" the cards to their RWS equivalents (to varying degrees) in order to read them. Marieke, however, was comfortable reading the cards as they were. In either case, however, we all were able to get meaningful readings out of these cards.
All of this reinforces my initial impression that it takes a bit of time and practice to become familiar enough with this deck to be able to use it with ease and proficiency, but that with such practice, it can become a very good deck for readings.
Details, details:
I have read the complaint that the card stock for this deck is flimsy, but I compared it to several of my other decks and honestly, it's quite average. Yes, I wouldn't compare it favorably to a few self-published decks I have which are printed on extraordinarily good card stock. But for mass market decks these days, the card stock on this one is typical.
Another complaint about this deck that I've heard is that the cards are too small considering the intricate detailing of the images. I can understand that comment in that some of the details in Law's paintings would be better served by larger cards. But this deck is of an average size, and if the cards were significantly larger, they would be cumbersome for many people. This size tradeoff is a tricky one, so my suggestion (in case Llewellyn is listening) would be to issue a special, large-sized edition of the deck too.
I've also heard that the art on the cards paled in comparison to the images of them that you can see on Law's website, and this is true. However, to be fair, the images on the website are larger than the physical cards, and on a computer screen, they have light shining through them, like a stained glass window. What printed image can compete with that?
The Book:
The book that comes with this deck is about 250 pages (with lots of illustrations) and is separated into three basic parts, the first and third being written by Barbara Moore. The first section ("Introduction") is an explanation of how to do a Tarot reading, and it is quite good considering its brevity. I'm not sure how well it will prepare a total novice for reading the cards, but it certainly beats the stuffing out of your typical "Little White Book" for that purpose. The last part of the book presents a collection of spreads, ranging from very basic ones that should be useful for a novice to more detailed ones that more experienced readers may find useful, so there's something for everyone there.
The middle of the book, which is the lion's share of it, is written by the artist and covers the individual cards. Law's lyrical explorations of the cards suggest meanings and interpretations, but they often avoid explicit explanations of many of the details in her images. With many of the details left unexplained, those who like to have things spelled out explicitly may be disappointed at times by the book. But if you prefer to explore things on your own, helped perhaps by hints and suggestive stories, then the book will serve you well. And of course if you're an experienced Tarot reader, you may just ignore the book all together.
By the way, are you wondering why the deck is named "Shadowscapes"? Law's explanation (from her website) is that her paintings are of "shadows of reality that are almost grasped ... in a dream-world made of light and absence of light."

Saturday, April 30, 2011


I bought these oracle cards some time ago and have been meaning to post them. These cards are uniquely Australian and draw on ancient aboriginal legends from the dream time where the rainbow serpent was dominant. I read several different types of tarot and oracle cards but these ones are my favorite next to the Wisdom of Avalon cards.
They are accurate and can be read in any traditional spread.

They are in 4 groups, earth, wind, air and water. 

This was way back, at the very beginning. The land and the people were created by the Spirits. They made the rivers the water holes the hills and the rocks and all the thing living. They gave us hunting things, they gave each tribe its land, they gave us our totems and they gave us our Dreaming”
Aboriginals believed that the world was made by the Ancestors, back in the Dreamtime. The Ancestors made everything – the rocks, mountains, plants and animals. They made the Aboriginals too. The Ancestors left certain sights to show which places were to be sacred. The Aboriginals performed ritual songs and ceremonies near the sacred sites to keep the spirits of the Ancestors alive. Different tribes had different ideas about the Ancestors who made the world. Others believed that they were animal-spirits. In parts of Arnhem Land, in the Northern Territory, the Ancestors were huge snakes. In other places the spirit who created the world was Wanadjina.
Dreamtime legends form a part of Australian literature and was the basis for Aboriginal religion and culture. It dated back to 65,000 years and contains many parts: It is the story of things that have happened, how the universe came to be, how human beings were created and how the Creator intended for humans to function within the cosmos.
One such dreamtime story that was provided to us is about how the sun was made.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Last night I had a very vivid dream about myself and someone in my life. I have tried to interpret what it means and have come up with this.

***** and I were shopping in the supermarket buying things we need each week for our living etc. We filled several trolleys and ended up spending $2000 on groceries.
We went back to our small house which was surrounded by colourful garden and located in a forest or green area near parkland. It had an old stove like those that act as central heating as well. This stove was too hot so I wanted to turn it down and ended up fiddling with the controls. While doing this a large frog croaked in the roof. It was stuck in a hole so we tried to get it down and eventually it fell onto the floor and in its fear it wedged itself between the wall and a pipe. This from was extremely large.
***** had an appointment to meet some people in the nearby parkland so he went. While he was away our bed appeared out in the middle of the road where we lived. The sheets and linen was disheveled and messy thrown around. This made me panic since I didn't have anyone to help me drag it back in at this point ***** came back he was naked and wanting to **** **** ** me. 

This is all I can remember of this dream which was extremely vivid and real. Because of it I woke up tired as though I have not slept at all. I feel this is a prophetic dream of sorts.


FROG - Means Indiscretion and can also mean blessings, love, and prosperity. Dream Frogs also symbolize spiritual and emotional transformation.
NAKED (seeing someone) - Means scandal or slander and also a dream about being disgusted by the nudity of another person means anxiety or aversion to discovering the naked truth about that person, situation or even about yourself. Accepting their nudity means that you are able to see through people and accept them for what they are.
MESSY OUT OF PLACE BED - disorder or mistake
PARKLAND - Pain and meloncholy
COTTAGE - Simple life
A LIT STOVE (oven) - Ease and abundance
FLOWER GARDEN - Pleasant surprise
TREES - long happiness and unexpected pleasure and also trees are symbols of the soul and lifes purpose.The type of tree that is dreamt about can suggest the current state of ones spiritual condition. The trees in my dream were lust healthy as though new leaves shooting in spring. This suggests that my spiritual condition may be emerging and new and starting new life.

Mystical Meaning: A tree can also be a symbol of time. The root represent the past, the trunk the present and the branches the future. Perhaps your dream contains a prophecy or says something about your hopes and fears for the future? It is said to be lucky if you dream of climbing a tree.
For me this means that ***** has concealed something from me, an indiscretion he has had or will have in future. This information that he is hiding may cause me to loose faith in him and cause me pain and sorrow. This also is in line with the angel card reading I did yesterday. The angel Bridgette showed me that this situation isn't right and that vital information has been concealed. I have to dig deeper to find the answers etc and that I should not worry because there is other opportunities for me etc.
According to this dream it also seems by this that I may end up being happy with a simple life abundant in pleasant surprises. On the other hand it may also suggest that there is an element of honesty and baring all and that things are brighter with a new spiritual awakening and accepting of a prosperous outcome. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011


While away on holiday I have been exploring different shops and places. I came across these beautiful oracle cards called The Blue angel oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno. Archangel Michael is very special to me personally as he has shown me many things that have made me feel more at peace with myself. Confusion and hopelessness has also been eased. Here is a little bit of information about Archangel Michael.

Through many succeeding cycles of time, as Ray after Ray provided The Pathway for the descent of new Spirits, Lord Michael has remained as the Guardian Overlord of the Angelic Host, the Elemental Kingdom and humanity. He shall not fold his Cosmic Wings about him to return home until the final Angelic Being is freed, the last man is redeemed and the last Elemental returned to its perfect state. This is the love of Lord Michael, who like many others, is a Prisoner of Love to the life he serves.
Archangel Michael is referred to as the greatest of all angels in writings throughout the world, including Jewish, Christian and Islamic.

The oracle cards feature the most amazing artwork by the author and also Walter Brunel.


Saturday, March 5, 2011


Meditations made with the angel cards today revealed interesting answers to the question "What do the angels want to show me about my path". This was answered in a three card spread

PAST - Forgiveness

Let go of anger and resentment, and feel yourself healed. you don't need to forgive the action, just the person - so that you can be at peace.

The angels have shown you here with the choice of this card to release anger and irritation. They realize you may be justified in feeling angry, let down and hurt. Yet they ask you to look at the high price you pay for carrying that around inside. Forgive those that have hurt you and stop punishing yourself.

PRESENT - Divine Timing

Pay attention to the doors that are opening and shutting for you right now. Walk through the doors that open and learn from the doors that close.

Your prayers are being answered, there is no doubt about that. Everything moves in time with universal laws and rhythm. Certain pieces of the puzzle must fall into place before other parts can come to fruition. 
Don't try to force open any doors that appear closed to you. Instead ask your angels for guidance to see if the door closed because of negative expectations, or it its simply a sign of divine timing. Look for other doors that do open, walk through them with faith and gratitude.

FUTURE - Children

You are asked to pay close attention to your children or your inner child. 

This card signals that the angels see your need to play and have fun and honor your inner child. Perhaps you will play with your own children or you might enjoy having fun with another adult or doing work that involves helping children.
Take some time to ask your inner child how they feel. Take them on an outing and allow the playful side to emerge. 


For a while now I have had a Doreen Virtue Healing with the angels oracle set and have found comfort in them. They are really easy to use and are really good for a daily "message" reading.  

Every now and then I will ask the cards "What is the angels message for me today?" and spread the cards out on a surface.  I will run my hand over them while concentrating on the question. The card I will choose appears as a hot spot on the palm of my hand.

Today the angels chose the "soul mate" card. At this time in my life it seems that this card shown is very appropriate.

Card meaning

Your prayer for a soul mate relationship is answered. Follow the guidance that you receive so that you may enjoy this give of divine love.

Your heart yearns for a big love. Since you are on the spiritual path, you desire a partner with a similar philosophy and common interests. Can you have great passion and spiritual companionship with the same person? YES. By drawing this card, your angels have heard your prayers for a great love, if you are in a current relationship, your angels ask you to release this partnership to them. In that way they can help elevate it to a soul mate level, OR help you to gently end it so that your new love may appear. Either way, they will closely assist you and give you clear steps to take.

Given my current situation with the ending of my 20 year marriage the message in this card is very clear. I am grateful and thankful for the angels wisdom and guidance.

Friday, March 4, 2011



There are eight wiccan sabbats or witches sabbats per year. They are based on seasonal changes and traditional harvest dates.
1 Winter Solstice - Yule
2 Imbolc
3 Ostara
4 Beltane
5 Summer Solstice
6 Lammas
7 Mabon
8 Halloween / Samhain

Northern Hemisphere: Dec 21
Southern Hemisphere: June 21
Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, Alban Arthan
The holiday of Yule was celebrated long before Christians adopted the date. Many of the Christmas traditions we see today stem from old Pagan customs. As the solstice, it is the longest night of the year. From this day forward, light begins to return and we celebrate the rebirth of the Sun God.
Traditions: lighting the Yule log, wreath making, gift giving
Correspondences: pine, holly, myrrh, cinnamon.

Northern Hemisphere: Feb 2
Southern Hemisphere: August 1
Candlemas, Imbolg, Brigid's Day
Imbolc is a day to celebrate the first glimpses of Spring, and it is also dedicated to the Celtic Goddess Brigid. Non-Pagans celebrate today as Groundhog Day. Make new starts in life, as you give your home a thorough cleaning.
Traditions: Burning fires and candles, cleaning, making a bed for Brigid
Correspondences: carnation, rosemary, chamomile, milk

Northern Hemisphere: March 21
Southern Hemisphere:Sept 21
Spring Equinox, Lady Day
This is another holiday that has been overlaid with Christian meanings (Easter). Eggs and bunnies are typical symbols, representing new birth and new life. Plant the seeds of long-term goals.
Traditions: Colouring eggs, decorating with flowers
Correspondences: jasmine, daffodil, lotus, new spring flowers

Northern Hemisphere May 1
Sothern Hemisphere: November 1
May Day, Walpurgis Night
The God born at Yule is now a man, and the sacred marriage between God and Goddess is consumated. Beltane is a celebration of fertility, growth, love and passion. However you celebrate Beltane, do it with joy and happiness.
Traditions: Dancing around the May Pole, lighting bonfires
Correspondences: Rose, lilac, vanilla

Northern Hemisphere: June 21
Southern Hemisphere December 21
Litha, Summer Solstice, Whitsun
Midsummer is the longest day of the year, and the strength of the Sun God begins to wane. The Goddess has left her Maiden form of Imbolc and is now in her Mother aspect. Refill your herb collection for the coming year.
Traditions: Fairy magick, collecting herbs
Correspondences: Orange, lemon, honeysuckle, vervain

Northern Hemisphere: August 1
Southern Hemisphere: Feb 1
As the first of the three harvest festivals, much of the symbolism for Lammas revolves around grains and bread. Sacrifices were common, though mostly symbolic, in order to ensure the continued success of the harvest.
Traditions: Bread baking, making corn dollies
Correspondences: corn, sandalwood, heather

Northern Hemisphere: Sept 21
Southern Hemisphere: March 21
Autumn Equinox, Cornucopia
Day and night are equal again, and the weather grows colder as winter approaches. This is the second harvest festival. Rituals of thanks at this time have brought about the modern holidays of Thanksgiving. Take some time to think about what you are thankful for.
Traditions: Making and drinking of wine, share with the less fortunate
Correspondences: grapes, blackberries, cedar, patchouli

Northern Hemisphere: Oct 31
Southern Hemisphere: April 30
Hallowe'en, All Hallows
Samhain (SOW-en) is the one Sabbat that is also widely celebrated amongst non-Pagans. The God has died, and the Goddess mourns him until his rebirth at Yule. It's the last harvest festival, and the end of the Wiccan year.
Traditions: Divination, honouring the dead, carving Jack o' Lanterns
Correspondences: pumpkins, apples, sage, mugwort


The DruidCraft Tarot
by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, illustrated by Will Worthington

DruidCraft Tarot - IV - The LordThere are two major streams of Western Pagan tradition that most of us are familiar with to some degree: Wicca and Druidry. Both earth-based, with origins in the British Isles, they share many commonalities - namely, reverence for the earth, seasonal celebrations, using a magic circle in ritual, and acknowledgement of the elements Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Despite the similarities, there are sure distinctions, especially when looked at in a historical light, and modern practitioners have often felt uncertain about choosing between the two when making a spiritual commitment. "DruidCraft" brings these two major paths together, forming a cohesive religious approach that bridges differences, while retaining respect for both, and allowing the practitioner to learn from a larger spiritual or magical background.

Authors Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm are leaders in the DruidCraft community, both initiated into Wicca and Druidry, and have both written and taught extensively on these subjects. It follows that The DruidCraft Tarot would offer a uniquely comprehensive and detailed introduction to tarot, DruidCraft, and the ways of Wicca and Druidry as well. Presented in a traditional tarot format, and based somewhat on traditional tarot imagery and interpretation, The DruidCraft Tarot is a solid tarot offering, while being something entirely more as well.

What I first noticed about The DruidCraft Tarot was its focus on learning - learning about myself, and about the world I am living in. Any tarot might do this, of course! But DruidCraft invites the reader to learn about himself in his wholeness, as well as himself as a part of the whole, through very direct and reflective yet straightforward guidance. I believe one of the greatest qualities of this set is its own sense of wholeness, or completeness. It has its own very strong sense of identity. It is a very able teacher, and has the potential to be a very effective tool in one's spiritual or magical practice.

This tarot is designed within the context of Wicca and Druidry, and all of its lessons are presented within this context as well. For those who are pagans - practicing or simply pagan at heart - this is terrific. It is an affirming experience, to use these cards. We feel rather at home with the Magician of The DruidCraft Tarot, for example, as he stands before Stonehenge, a place many of us have merely daydreamed about. We readily see ourselves as the people in these cards - drawing a circle in sand, blending herbs, honoring spirits, or just sitting at one with nature. The life portrayed within these cards is the life of our own soul - a deep connection to and resonance with nature.

DruidCraft Tarot - Ace of SwordsAlso reflective of these pagan paths, are some of the cards' titles. The Lady and the Lord take the place of the Empress and Emperor of standard decks, the High Priest instead of the Hierophant, and Rebirth for Judgement. Two of the Major Arcana titles that particularly stand out and might require a little extra reading, are XIV - The Fferyllt (in the place of Temperance), and XV - Cernunnos (for the Devil). A Fferyllt, the book says, is a ". Druid alchemist, who combines the powers of fire and water to create harmony, balance and transformation." Cernunnos, as many know, is considered to be Lord of the Animals, or the Wild Hunter. The connection between Cernunnos and the traditional card of the Devil is clear in this excerpt: "It teaches us how to live effectively in the material world without becoming trapped by the glamour and illusion offered by a world obsessed with wealth, status, sexuality and violence. The card points to the dangers of over-indulgence, of being obsessive, greedy and abusive, and yet it also hints at the enormous power that is available to us if we can free ourselves of the thrall of the material and sensual world and yet still live both fully and creatively within it."

All of the cards of this deck have power - artistically, symbolically, and spiritually. The cards of the Minor Arcana are just as meaningful and inspiring as those of the Major, and indeed, have been presented first in the book. I like the reasoning behind this: "The bird which signifies the Druid is not the eagle, or some other large and impressive bird, but the wren - the smallest and humblest of birds - known as Drui-en in Welsh. This serves to illustrate the idea that the smallest, or apparently least significant, has great meaning and power, and so we have decided to follow Drui-en's example, presenting the apparently smallest and 'humblest' cards first: the sixteen court cards, followed by the forty pip cards, which together make up the fifty-six cards of the Minor Arcana." This manner of learning about the court cards, then the pip cards, and finally the Major Arcana cards actually does seem to help us focus more attention on learning about these "smaller" cards than we typically might.

Every court card and pip card is given a list of keywords, an introductory description, meanings, and reversed meanings. In addition to those sections, Major Arcana cards are also explained with the "significance" of the card, and a specific message from the card. Having used these cards for many months now, I must say I have found the meanings presented in the book to be intriguingly appropriate for my own readings. Also provided in the book are six unique spreads, sample readings, and helpful information on conducting readings, as well as getting to know the cards.

This is one of the better sets I have seen and used in a long time, and due to its subject matter, attractive artwork, and focus on self-knowledge, it works incredibly well for me personally. And I would recommend it not only for being such a successful tarot set, but as a genuinely comfortable introduction to DruidCraft, or earth-based spirituality.





Dreams are scarce; my heart is an empty river bed
Dry of love and devotion.
I am a half written song, a half hearted soul
Lost I am without your touch to comfort me
In the night.

In my sleep I fly to where you are and caress your body,
Kiss your lips. You sigh and do not know it is me.
I am the shadow on the wall that waits for you
Waits for you to light the torch of life and see
Me, non-existent without your lips.

My love, so many others have come my way, claiming to be you
Their eyes tell of lies and slyness and their actions show me
That they do not care. Do not care for me.

The princess, the tower of death that waits for the helpless.
My prince come to me, others say that you’re not real
but I know that you are.  You who is all of eternity connected to me
by an imaginary thread, connected to me through lifetimes of love making.

When you come I will kiss your feet and your lips, Clean your body of past loves
So that we may be new to each other, virgin, whole and sacred.
I have been hurt in my destiny, murdered so many times that my blood cries
Out from the earth, from the bed of my sadness that covers me like a cloak.

Oh! The passion I have saved for you in a secret box I hide deep in my soul.
I have so much to share with you. To tell you how I have climbed mountains
To be with you.  To hold still the stars out of the sky to make a glorious blanket of magic that would keep you warm when I cannot be beside you. Heating your body with mine.

I have not found you yet my prince because I know that if I had I wouldn’t feel so lonely still.
I know I would be loved and cherished and filled with new light.
But you have not come for me yet, to carry me away on the sea of new life.

So still I wait for you, my heart a beacon shining in the night. A light house throwing its light on each passing ship.
I wait for you my love I wait for you my lover, let us be one for we are one.
We are sacred.