Friday, March 4, 2011


It has been some time since I started this blog. Since then I have been exploring different things and have been working out how to use the tools that I have found for accurate readings etc.

I have bought myself a deck of "Path of the Soul destiny" cards by Ceryl Lee Harnish and have found them to be really beautiful and somewhat simple to use.

Yesterday I did a reading for myself by selecting 3 cards. The question that I was asking when doing this was

What is my message for today? Here are the results.

Card 1 - Represents the current situation - ASCENSION

Your energetic field is in a state of change and expansion. You have begun to vibrate at higher levels as your consciousness moves more in alignment with your Higher self. you are one of the for runners working towards ascension to raise the consciousness of the planet. 
The changes you are experiencing are not always comfortable but they are necessary for your continued growth. The true beauty of your soul is beginning to show and it has the positive and uplifting effect on others.

Card 2 - Represents actions to take - FAIRIES

You are being asked to watch for situations that may get you fired up. Remember, every experience you have is a part of your learning.
If you do find yourself in an uncomfortable situation do your best to stay in the moment. Be mindful and do not allow yourself to slip back into old patterns. By staying true to who you are now, you will find the situation will resolve easily. The fairies are showing you the magic of staying present and heart centred.

Card 3 - The outcome - CONSCIOUSNESS

This is a powerful card of change - not physically, but mentally on the sub-conscious level. There is a large spiritual force working with you now helping to re-balance the mental body.
You are finding greater clarity and new ways of dealing with life experienced. Your inner work has brought you here. You are in the flow of healing. This is a powerful step toward becoming and outwardly expressing your true state of being.

This reading turned out to be very accurate for me at the time, so I am really happy with these cards.

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